Changes in the registration process

As mentioned in our previous post we were featured on Reddit recently and we got a ton of great feedback from the Reddit users. Among other stuff we got some valuable input on our registration process. So we made our incredibly simple registration process even simpler!

  • Removed requirement for e-mail: Previously we required you to enter an e-mail adress but since we use OpenID and Facebook Connect there isn’t really a real need for that. We still recommend everyone to enter an e-mail adress but you don’t need to anymore. If you want to get e-mail notifications you obviously still need to enter your e-mail adress tough, and it will help out a lot if you need help with your account.
  • Removed requirement for username: We also required you to enter a username but for people who just want to like some applications or to give us some quick feedback about applications that should not be alternatives to each other we do not even require that anymore.

This means that our registration process is nothing more than one or two clicks. We hope you like it!